Due to growing popularity of social networking sites every body wants to grow their site traffic through these social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Dzone etc… Every business whether small or big is doing its best to spread a word about its activities through Social Media. They help the websites and bloggers to generate new and high traffic by telling people that how many other people like this website and blogs. This is the reason the integration of Social Media into websites has become more essential now.
jQuery offers various solutions in form of plugins and widgets that are really helpful. You can choose a tool that can appropriately meet your social media promotional needs but finding them may not be easy as it seems.

So here in this article, we are sharing with you some of these social media jQuery plugins that you can use to meet your varied social media needs. Please have a look.
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1. jQuery Social Share Buttons Plugin

- Display buttons in a floating panel or create a social share toolbar.
- 3 button sizes – vertical box with count, horizontal button with count and horizontal button no count.
- Includes Pinterest button with option to select any image.
- Xing button includes hover card feature showing statistics & popularity of URL .
- Includes bonus email and print buttons.
- Anti-spam protection for email address.
- Fully flexible positioning.
- Show/hide buttons using external links.
- Very easy to use – just add a single div tag to your web page & initialize the plugin!
- Automatically detects page URL .
- Option to use custom title & description text.
- Full documentation.
- Multiple examples including custom styling.
2. Sharrre – A plugin for sharing buttons

Sharrre is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create nice widgets sharing for Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus (with PHP script) and more. The plugin calls the social buttons on demand which is great for minimizing the number of initial requests and improving loading speeds.
Any type of custom designs can be created for the widgets (no need to use the default buttons provided by the social networks) and events(like, +1, tweet, etc.) can be fired up with the plugin’s API calls.
3. Singam jQuery Social Count Plugin

Singam jQuery Social Count Plugin is a very powerful and easy to use jQuery plugin needed for every web developers. Primary aim for anyone maintaining or developing a website is to take the contents to maximum people. We do a lot of stuff to increase website liaffic. The latest and most successful step until now is to be social. Here not only the owner but even visitors are part of spreading the word and bring more traffic.
Web developers display social statistics on website to attract more visitors. When a visitor sees a considerable number of Facebook likes for a website, he also wishes to like the page to get more updates. This is a common and powerful .
4. jSocial A Social Networking Plugin

This is a simple plugin to add your social networking sites & icons in a list to display on your website! This is a first version, and includes a few options which I hope to expand on. Very easy to use, simply include the script, and add your usernames or URL’s in the call,drop in a div and the plugin does the rest.
5. jQuery Social Share Toolbar
This is the instructions on how to build your own social share toolbar using jQuery and CSS3. The toolbar should be visible at the bottom right corner of your browser. If you hover over the toolbar it will slide up, click the minimize button it will all but disappear, click one of the icons and you will be taken to either the login page or the share page of that social site.
6. Twitter Ultimate-jQuery Plugin

Twitter Ultimate – A jQuery Plugin offer following features
- Realtime Twitter Feed-Live Tweets: A realtime incoming tweets,live tweets
- Autoplay On/Off: Realtime incoming tweets can be disabled/enabled on load
- Start/Stop Feed: Options to start or pause incoming tweets
- Speed Control Options: Ability to control speed of incoming tweets
- Two types of search: You can either display tweets from an user or tweets mentioning a word
- Tweets count options: Options to control number of tweets to be shown in the feed
- Multiple Query Option: Options to have multiple queries
- Easily Customizable: You can easily customize it by various options provided.You will be able to control speed of incoming tweets,Number of tweets to be shown in feed
7. BubbleUp jQuery Plugin to Spice Up Your Menu
With BubbleUP, images in a list will enlarge with a smooth animation when you move your mouse over it. Then, if you move the mouse out, it will reset to the original size with the same smooth animation. Imagine the Mac Dock effect, although this plugin’s effect is not awesome like that, it’s light weight for such a similar zooming effect.
8. Quite Delicious Button
This is a share count button to encourage people to bookmark your content on Delicious. Although Delicious provides their own button but this jQuery-fied one should give you a uniform share button -tall or wide- that looks quite delicious! As in the official Tagometer, This one calls Delicious API once – No matter how many buttons you got. Also, Button doesn’t use any images. Delicious logo is just HTML & CSS. It works the same as the official Delicious button and looks pretty as in Topsy, StumbleUpon buttons.
9. mooSocialize – AJAX based social bookmark widget

Based on ajax, this small widget allows to integrate many many bookmarks for every post on your blog, website etc. By clicking the mooSocialize button, a window will appear, which lets you choose your favorite network. Having a thumbnail of each service beside the link, it’s easy to see and find the one of your liking. But that’s not all – it doesn’t redirect you to that page, but opens up the page in a hovered layer. Convenient and easy. On top of the opened layer is a small “x”, which allows to close the window later on.
10. So So Social Plug-In

The So So Social plug-in uses jQuery and YQL (Yahoo Query Language) to gather RSS feeds from your various social networks and sorts them into an “activity feed”. It basically creates a news feed out of your social networking activity.
Think of it like the news feed on Facebook but for you and your various social networking news.
11. jQuery Social Media Tabs

Combine all of your favorite social networks profiles & feeds into slick slide out or static tabs. jQuery Social Media Tabs plugin can be added to ANY website – No need for PHP ! Each social network tab loaded using AJAX only when required making the plugin very fast loading!
12. jQuery Social Stream

Combine all of your social network interactions into a single network stream or create a single feed for multiple social network profiles. Display using rotating feed list or a filterable, responsive Social Network Wall!
Includes 15 social networks & 37 feed options:
- Twitter – Latest Tweets, Twitter Lists & Search
- Facebook – Page Latest Wall Posts
- Google +1 – +1 Latest Posts
- Instagram – Search Tags, User Feed, Location ID Search, Lat/Lng Search + Show Likes/Comments
- RSS Feed – Latest Posts
- Delicious – Latest Likes
- Stumbleupon – Favorites or Reviews
- Pinterest – Latest Pins
- Dribbble – Latest Shots or Likes
- Youtube – Latest Uploads, Favorites, New Subscription Videos & Video Search
- Vimeo – Likes, Videos, Appeared In, Albums, Channels or Groups
- Flickr – Latest User Uploads & Group Feeds
- last.fm – Loved Tracks, Recent Tracks or Reply Tracker
- Deviantart – Latest Deviations
- Tumblr – Latest Posts (photo, video, regular, quote, audio, conversation & links)
13. Push effect: Improving visual feedback for social voting tools with jQuery
Digging, voting, buzzing, retweeting, liking, bumping, shouting. These ubiquitous social tools have become the de facto mechanism to determine collective popularity. There’s little variation in terms of visual feedback when you engage these tools to increase an item’s popularity by one unit. Most just update the value instantly while others (Digg) perform a little fade effect.
This adds a little tactility to these contraptions. It reinforces the notion that you just impacted a piece of content on the web, if only by one solitary unit. If it’s good enough for sports apps, it’s good enough for anything else.
This technique could be used for anything where a numeric value increases or decreases whether it results from user interaction or not (as in live scoreboards).
14. Sponsor Flip Wall With jQuery & CSS

Designing and coding a sponsors page is part of the developer’s life (at least the lucky developer’s life, if it is about a personal site of theirs). It, however, follows different rules than those for the other pages of the site. You have to find a way to fit a lot of information and organize it clearly, so that the emphasis is put on your sponsors, and not on other elements of your design.
15. Social Media Sharing Menu

In this tutorial, they will show you how to create a social media share menu using CSS and jQuery. We are going to create the menu using basics CSS such as the CSS background-position
property and a little jQuery to make the links animated.
16. MobilyBlocks
MobilyBlocks plugin allows you to simply create an un-ordered list as an impressive and stylish animated circle.
17. Combined Facebook, Twitter & RSS Social Stats with jQuery
In this tutorial we are going to create a simple widget, which combines the number of your RSS readers, twitter followers, and fans of your Facebook fan page, to give a rough estimate of your social popularity. We are using jQuery and the tipTip plugin, object-oriented PHP, and Yahoo’s YQL, while demonstrating a number of interesting web development techniques.
18. A Twitter List Powered Fan Page

Recently, Twitter rolled out a great new feature on their site – lists. You can now create and compile a list of twitter users and make it easier for others to follow all at once.
Also, at the same time, they expanded their API to include list management functionality. This allows us to use these new tools to create a widget that flips lists the other way around – a fan page you can put in your sidebar, that allows your visitors to fill in their twitter name and join a specially crafted fan list in your twitter account.
19. Google+ Activity Widget

This widget was created to display your Google+ profile and slides down your recent posts or the posts of your Google+ Brand Page with any attached images.
20. jQuery Social Timeline

The DP Social Timeline plugin lets you retrieve status/posts/videos/images from different social networks in a timeline format from the newest to the oldest.
21. jQuery Social Modal Box

- Combines 3 social networks – Facebook, Google+ and Twitter
- Cookies remember users who have already shared
- Autoload or load after click on element
- Warning if cookies are disabled (with customizable text)
- More modal boxes in one page
- Customizable CSS with special styling for individual modals
- Optional countdown with optional close (with customizable text)
- Advanced callback functions (plugin returns success (true or false), option to call callback after document loads)
- Can specify URL to share, don’t need to specify current URL , can turn off social network button
22. Social Cards jQuery Plugin

Social Cards are a fresh look created for content sharing. Currently there are six cards including Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, LinkedIn and copy to clipboard widget. The best part is that the scripts are loaded after button click, so you don’t need to worry about the performance bottleneck of social widgets. Lastly, you can easily localize Social Cards plugin.
23. jQuery Social Share

The DP Social Share plugin lets your users share your pages using different social networks in a new and elegant way.
24. Smart Social Counter jQuery Plugin

Smart Social Network Counter Plugin will help you to show your site social network counter. You can use floating bar or inside your page.
25. jQuery Social Feedr

The DP Social Feedr plugin lets you retrieve status/posts/videos/images from different social networks.
25+. Koottam Social jQuery Plugin (plus one)

A simple, powerful and elegant Social jQuery Plugin to display your social links. The plugin can be highly customized through 10+ options.
- Counts directly fetched using api for facebook and twitter
- 7 themes + easy structure to add more themes in css
- Static or Animated count display
- Advanced option to change the coloring style
- Bigger counts cleanly shortened
- Under MIT License. Use anywhere free of cost for something good.
You’ve read 25 jQuery help you working with Social Media, it’s not the best plugins but it’s very useful for starting or running your own website. Some plugins need you pay a small fee but it’s worth for using.
If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our older articles on 25 sexy jQuery Drop Down Multi Level Menu, 15 Unique jQuery Plugins For Everyones Needs, 15+ promising jQuery Lightbox-Clones plugins.
I like the Jquery Social sidebar that you used on your page : http://www.narga.net/25-useful-jquery-social-share-plugins/ (the vertical one showing on the left).
Which of 25 plugins described in this page is this one ?
It’s called as Monarch plugin, you can find it here http://goo.gl/bYhn0C
where can I find your Social Tab Javascript, what do you use for this Site?
– Seb
It’s called Monarch Social Sharing Plugin
69$ for this Plugin?
Can I get it free?
I need it – but I have not so much moneyfor this.
It will be very great if you can send me the javascript for free.
– Seb
It’s not FREE but it’s worth for use. :)