WordPress 3.6+ uses the jQuery Migrate script (jquery-migrate.min.js
or jquery-migrate.js
) to ensure backward compatibility for any plugins or themes you might be using which use functionality for versions of jQuery older than 1.9. Most up-to-date frontend code and plugins don’t require jQuery Migrate module. In most cases, this simply adds unnecessary load to your site, lower your website speed and wast the server power. So in this tutorial, I am going to explain how to remove jQuery-Migrate from WordPress.
Top 15 Free jQuery Plugins in January 2017
Be it for website development or mobile app development, jQuery has become one of the most popular JavaScript libraries in use today. A major reason for using jQuery is its capability to simplify HTML implications and build an agnostic interface that works consistently across multiple browsers, without any irregularities.
When jQuery burst onto the scene a decade ago, it helped to tackle the problem of bad native APIs or ones that did not support several features. The scenario has changed drastically and many of these API- and browser-related issues are no longer of much concern. However, with time, jQuery has evolved significantly and now adds more value in the process of creating a seamless UX for apps or websites.
The Ultimate JQuery Mobile Plugins to Improve App UX
Enhancing a UX comes up as a Herculean task for most of the mobile app developers. One thing is for sure that it is only by gratifying the app users with good experience on an app makes it easier to lead to conversions, which are vitally important.
While talking about mobile application, with the advent of innovations in the UX/UI front, jQuery is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries in use. It is always a difficult task for the developers to enhance UX through.
The primary purpose of augmenting JQuery in mobile was to simplify HTML5 implications. This includes – navigating, experience management, animation, and Ajax connections for rapid web development, or better said, to make things easier.
Over here we shall discuss the effective ways of using jQuery to improve your user experience. Certainly for any business to succeed in the app development front, improving UX is the utmost necessity.
RoundUp of 7 Well Known jQuery Mega Menu
Look back five years ago, I wrote an article about 25 Sexy jQuery Drop Down Multi Level Menu. Today, drop down menus still are the best choice when you want to build the navigation menu and it’s enhanced itself as Mega Menu. For the past couple of years, mega-menus have become a trend in web design, in particular of e-commerce or news websites.
The downside of using jQuery for your website
jQuery was released with much hype and an interesting tagline “Write less, do more” in the year 2006. Almost a decade has passed since jQuery saw the light of the day and this decade that has gone by, has made it a must have tool for every web developer. This discrete JavaScript library kept evolving and improving in the last 9 years and the stable release version of jQuery was made available for user download in April, 2015. The benefits and flexibility jQuery offers to web developers are many and unique.
The tagline “Write less, do more” is self explanatory to define how it has made life easy for HTML code writers. Multiple functions can be performed with a single line code with jQuery. jQuery also adds another dimension to web designing by providing cross-platform compatibility and efficient use of plug-ins.
Iterators and Generators- Things you need to know as a Javascript app developer
The JavaScript territory, as we know it, has always given innovators a lot of room to spread their wings. With the jQuery team continually setting new benchmarks via each Javascript release, the developers of the planet earth have found themselves to be a busy lot. Javascript 1.7. has been instrumental in paving way for a remarkably fresh development approach. Inundated by a rich collection of patterns, Javascript 1.7 is undeniably the finest Javascript version available till date.
While the JavaScript territory is massive, let me draw your focus on two very important and effective features that really give Javascript its adrenaline shot of relevancy – Iterators and Generators. I’ll highlight the most crucial aspects that you must know about these features for being able to take their advantage to the fullest. Hope the details covered here would encourage you to choose Javascript 1.7 without taking a second thought.
Top 10+ Awesome jQuery Media Player Plugins for Handling Audio & Video
Handling Website’s Audio and Video in web browser without native player and flash is big problem in several years ago. Times have changed and nowadays, when audio and video are used on web, is used with the help of Javascripts and HTML5. Since most of the people want to display videos and audios on their websites and this can be done by jQuery Audio Video Player Plugins.
If you looking for the internet, you’ll find ton of Javascripts and HTML5 player. So, in this article I’m going to write about 10+ Awesome Video and Audio Player jQuery Plugins which are free, lightweight, features rich, responsive and accessibility.
25+ Useful jQuery Plugins for Working With Social Media
Due to growing popularity of social networking sites every body wants to grow their site traffic through these social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Dzone etc… Every business whether small or big is doing its best to spread a word about its activities through Social Media. They help the websites and bloggers to generate new and high traffic by telling people that how many other people like this website and blogs. This is the reason the integration of Social Media into websites has become more essential now.
jQuery offers various solutions in form of plugins and widgets that are really helpful. You can choose a tool that can appropriately meet your social media promotional needs but finding them may not be easy as it seems.
15 Unique jQuery Plugins For Everyones Needs
By default, the standard HTML element is pretty much annoying. It’s ugly. Almost project which I’ve done, I was asked to create a form that is far removed from the look of standard browser. It seems there are so many references and guides out there it’s easy to get lost. When it comes to adding JavaScript functionality to a website, jQuery has become the solution of choice for web designers and developers.
The great thing about jQuery is that talented jQuery developers often release new and useful plugins on a regular basis. jQuery plugins are not only easy to implement, but easy to maintain even when used throughout large sites. In this article, we share with you a list of 15 unique and useful jQuery plugins that were released recently that could help you for your next web project. It’s not popular but it’s very useful in projects of a single individual.
Make your own WordPress Drop-Down menu with CSS and jQuery
A drop down menu is often your best means of keeping the navigation simple and uncluttered, that can offer your theme and users 2 new things. One, add a nice new type of effect to enhance your theme. Two, allow the users to find things more easily. There are a few plugins that you can use to make this, but in this post, I’ll show you how to make your own WordPress Drop-Down menu with CSS and jQuery and WordPress’s standard wp_list_pages, wp_nav_menu, wp_list_categories
The aim of this short tutorial is help you build a simple multi-level drop-down menu in your WordPress theme using jQuery’s JavaScript library to make sure cross-browser compatibility.
To get started with this tutorial, you’ll need to have a WordPress website up and running and a willingness to alter your theme files. Once that’s squared away you’re ready to rock!
Making Awesome Form’s Inline Labels with jQuery
Have you ever visit Apple’s MobileMe website? The login screen has form labels that are written within the value of their associated input field.

Inline labels are nothing new – in fact the easiest way to label a field is to simply set the field value up front and blow it away when the field gains focus. This is handy way for designers to save space and make their designs cleaner all-around. Unfortunately for us developers, simply setting the input value isn’t very semantic or usable then you can’t do it simple. I’ve just use a little jQuery to make it all happen.